Whoa! Let's hold up for just a second. *pushing brakes**pulling reins** I like Ohio. I love my job. We own a house. We have friends here. We are not moving back to the overcrowded, dirty, overpriced, rude wasteland that is California. The only thing there for us is family, whom we love and miss very much, but we can always visit. Or people could come out here to visit also (Bryan, Kristin, Philip, Sarah, Bob, Karlene, Joshua, Caleb, Unnamed Chapa, Tommy, Bruce, Rae, Grandma, Shelly, Duane, Jarrod, Jim, Jennifer, Kimberly, Allison, etc.
HINT) . I love the change of seasons, of course Winter is way too long, I love the fact that if people see more than 4 cars on the freeway it is "traffic", I like that people are not afraid to say "Hi" to each other for fear of saying it to the wrong person and getting shot. I love the fact that a kid can wear a red or blue shirt to school and not worry about accidentally offending someone. I love seeing the most beautiful skies I have ever seen (did you know the sky is actually blue?). I love that people still watch out for each other. I love the fact that when the sun does finally come out, people are so excited that you can see it in their faces. It puts everyone in such a good mood.
Long story short, thank you all for missing us and wanting us to move back but we are very happy here and have no desire to move back.